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Our sockeye salmon recipe

The Maggie Sea offers gourmet meals at sea. Chef Jeff Polizzotto creates savory, nutritious meals that are in complete compliance with any dietary requirement. Experience the best of Alaska.

Wild Alaska sockeye salmon

This recipe is the perfect balance of rich buttery salmon that adds a delightful smoky flavor. Super-healthy and often served onboard accompanied with an asparagus salad and a bright, crisp champagne vinaigrette, or served over a bed of freshly sautéed spinach.


  • 8 oz. Wild Alaskan Sockeye fillets (skin on)
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • Kosher salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Lemon slices

Cooking instructions

  • Pre-heat grill on high.
  • Reduce heat to 75%
  • Coat salmon with extra-virgin olive oil
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Begin grilling (skin side down) for 3 minutes
  • Flip each fillet and grill another 3-4 minutes until done
  • Do not overcook (the FDA recommends 145º)

Frequent Questions

Farmed or Wild?

Always ask for Wild Alaska Salmon.

How can you tell the difference?

You will see a difference in color and fat marbling. Farmed salmon is often lighter and pink in color and has more fat. Wild Alaska Salmon will be much brighter—orange to red—and more lean.

Is it safe to eat Wild Alaskan Salmon?

Yes, most seafood has bacteria and parasites. Freezing at -4º F to solid for 168 hours/7 days, or -31º F to solid for 15 hours, will achieve similar results as an internal temp of 145º F.

Three ways to determine if fish is fresh and stored safely:

  • Smell. When salmon smells fishy it is bad.
  • Touch. If fingerprints remain on the skin when you touch the salmon it is bad.
  • Appearance. Clear eyes indicate the fish is good. Milky eyes are an indicator the fish is bad.

What are the 5 types of salmon in Alaska?

  • King (Chinook)
  • Sockeye (Red)
  • Coho (Silver)
  • Humpy (Pink)
  • Chum (Dog)

Helm SVG © The Maggie Sea, Juneau, Alaska
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The Maggie Sea offers gourmet meals at sea. Chef Jeff Polizzotto will create a dazzling menu to comply with your dietary requirements. Jeff prepares healthy and savory meals—including superbly grilled filets, fresh halibut, Dungeness crab, Sockeye salmon, Alaska spot prawns, or your mouth-watering catch of the day. You'll find yourself wondering… what’s for dinner?

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